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DAC Home Essentials Drain Opener is a household product designed to effectively unclog drains. It comes in a 500g container.The DAC Drain Opener is specially formulated to tackle stubborn clogs and blockages in household drains. It is suitable for use in sinks, toilets, and other drainage systems.This drain opener is powerful and fast-acting, capable of dissolving hair, grease, soap scum, and other debris that may be causing the blockage. It helps to restore proper water flow and prevent unpleasant odors caused by clogged drains.To use, carefully pour the desired amount of DAC Drain Opener into the affected drain. Allow it to work for the recommended amount of time, usually indicated on the packaging. Then, flush the drain with hot water to clear away the dissolved debris.It is important to follow the instructions provided with the DAC Drain Opener and take necessary safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and avoiding contact with eyes and skin.The DAC Drain Opener is a reliable solution for tackling drain clogs in your home. Its powerful formula effectively clears blockages and helps maintain a smooth and efficient drainage system.

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